Hekla Lava
Hekla Lava Homoeopathic Proving (HP) Director: Dr. Mohinder Singh Jus Coordinator: Dr. Martine Cachin Jus Supervisor: Nicoliene Potgieter Organization: Dr.B.K. Bose Foundation Dr. M.S. Jus mentioned in Similia No.35 (2000) 9 that Hekla Lava should be proven extensively in order to discover its healing potential. He suspected a medicine with strong anti-syphilitic properties. In 2003 the Dr. B.K.Bose Foundation organized the homoeopathic proving of Hekla Lava . The substance Hekla Lava 30C was proved in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial for a period of 6 weeks. Neither the supervisor nor the provers knew which remedy was to be proven; or whether the drug or the placebo was being administered. The provers were healthy volunteers; that being an important requirement for a HP. They were homoeopaths or students of homoeopathy and had to meet severe criteria. Each prover was interviewed personally by the supervisor before the trial. 17...