
Homeopathy : Memory of Water

Water Structure and Science This page forms the entrance to a website concerned with the physical, chemical and biological properties of water. Liquid water is not a bit player in the theatre of life — it’s the headline act Water structure = H2O Many regard water (H2O) as a rather uninteresting substance because it is transparent, odorless, tasteless and ubiquitous. It is the simplest compound of the two most common reactive elements in the universe, consisting of just two hydrogen atoms attached to a single oxygen atom. Indeed, very few molecules are smaller or lighter. Liquid water, however, is the most extraordinary material contradicting its apparently simple molecular constituent.  ⇒ Although we drink it, wash, fish and swim in it, and cook with it (although probably not all at the same time), we nearly always overlook the special relationship it has with our lives. Droughts cause famines and floods cause death and disease. It makes up over about half of us and, without it, we...